Friday, July 29, 2005

Japan Photos

Now I have hundreds of photo thanx to Thomas and Yuko-san. These are my photos. My photo with Francis Fukuyama and Amartya Sen(Nobel Laureate in Economics) is here. For the other selected photos click here

Sunday, July 17, 2005

My pictures from Sado Island / Japan

So these are the pictures of me from Sado Island Japan. My host family's kids Subaru and Hokatu is seen in the pictures. Since I do not have a digital camera these pictures were taken by Takeshi (My host). All my best wishes for the lovely people of Japan and Sado, especially toTakeshi, Nem and Toku-san.
More photos at:

Sunday, July 10, 2005

10 July-23 July 2005 - I am in Japan

I have been invited to Japan by Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Youth Exchange 2005 Forum. My mobile phone is not working. I am taking plenty of pictures to publish here soon.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Turkey is as much European as Sarkozy is French

Sarkozy is an absolute populist. So am i:)

The way I think after Srebrenica tape

Srebrenica tape is something i will never accept to be true. Such a horrible atrocity. Anyway, i try my best to be constructive

Is this the right time for cooking the halwa of EU?

After the EU referandum, i was a bit cheeky with our EU experts. This column is dedicated to them:)

EU has badly scratched the charisma

"badly scratched the charisma" is in fact a Turkish idiom meaning that "you badly wounded your image in front of people". A direct translation may seem not sensible, anyway up 2 u